Julie Walser
alias Variété de Choix
Trying out a lot of different roles in the theater of life I have a hard time writing about myself.

I was never a fan of being only one prefixed entity… Variété de Choix (Variety of choice) (Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten)

Spending a lot of time travelling and getting inspiration from my journey, the people and circumstances all around the American Continent, I now try to process the experience of being human on this beautiful and crazy place called earth in my surreal paintings. So many things are in my head still unrevealed.
The time I lived in the Peruvian amazon made my dreams so incredible vivid that I could go on painting fantasy-like adventures forever. Channeling the divine, ideas never stop to come up.

Drawing myself in different personalities helps me to integrate them into the material world we are living in, and so coming closer to the real essence. Leaving the falsehood behind and getting closer step by step the truth of existence.

My art invites you to dream and step out even just for a moment of the normality of everyday life.